Tuesday, June 3, 2008



Testimoni 1
"Hari ni, masuk hari ke lima I pakai sabun Mior ni. Resultnya...very positive dan rasanya memang worth it beli sabun tu walaupun mahal sikit.Muka less oily, jerawat baru pun tak de, scar faded, pores pun kecik sikit, muka pun nampak glowing. My mom yang dah 60 thn tu pun I suruh pakai.. terkejut dia tengok muka dia berkilat sebab jadi tegang dan pinkish...(itupun dia pakai 1 hari sekali je sebab takut over sangat resultnya nanti).Menyesal pulak tak ambik gambar before pakai sebab I taklah expect result yang kaw-kaw sangat..Anyway, my friends, rasanya berbaloi untuk try..beli yang 1/4 je dulu, kalau tak sure. Tapi result mungkin berbeza ikut individual...."

Testimoni 2
"jem nak citer pasal pengalaman guna mior ni….. best la, jem memang ada masalah resdung, kulit muka lak berminyak dan berjerawat… (28/4/2008) masa mula2 basuh muka pakai mior tu ..muka rasa tegang… putih fuhh nampak cunn.. pastu bila pakai hari ke-3 tu jem dah terus dapat selsema & batuk… ini mesti dia nak solve masalah resdung jem… terasa la ulat berjalan kat muka ni masa pakai tu… sekarang ni dah rasa kulit dah ok sikit kurang berminyak…parut jerawat masih ada tengah tunggu dia nak pudar… muka pun rasa ringan je .. memang tak rugi beli sabun mior ni…"

Testimoni 3
"ju nak bagi testimoni gak..
ju beli separuh mior..rm135,terasa kopak gak duit..tapi alhamdulillah,dlm byk2 produk yang ju pakai selama hidup ni..sabun MIOR lah paling terbaik..memang betul2 berkesan..
ju ni dari study dulu sampailah kawin,memang mcm2 produk dah cuba,dari mahal sampailah yang paling murah..tapi semuanya mcm menghabiskan duit jer..takde nampak kesan yang memuaskan..
ju nak bg tau jenis kulit ju..muka ju ni ada parut jerawat,jerawat pun ada 3,4 biji tumbuh..pastu kat dahi..mcm ada jerawat pasir..w/pun org tak nampak..tapi rasa tak selesa sb bila pegang rasa biji2 jer..kulit putih..tapi kkekadang tu mcm tak sekata..kusam sikitlah..
hanya 3 hari pakai MIOR..jerawat pasir kat dahi dah takde,clear terus.. jerawat yang baru nak tumbuh..terus tak jadi membasar..terbantut jadinya..hari ni tgk dah hilang.. jerawat yang dah sedia ada..kecut dah sekarang..tinggal bekas jer..kulit muka rasa lembut,licin,gebu,ada pink2 kat pipi..pipi ni dah lah tembam..mcm pakai blusher jer..yang pasti skrg ni..jerawat kat muka ju dah takde..
opss..lupa nak bagi tau,smlm gonyoh sabun mior kat rambut..bangun pagi tadi..terasa lembut sgt rambut ni..hehehe..sukanya..
jadi kesimpulannya..memang puas hati,walaupun mahal tapi berbaloi..takyah fikir produk lain dah..MIOR tetap di hati.."

Testimoni 4
"Ok Nak bagi review
So far dah seminggu pakai MIOR,…skin dekat muka no prob,…no breakouts or anything. Muka nampak fresh. Pores no changes yet coz my face is oily.Nampak radiant,..sampai petang.
Tapitry gak kat celah2 tu, inner thigh Walah,…skin yang kat situ dah cerah. Dulu bukan main guna scrub la,lotion la..He,he

Testimoni 5
"okiess… nak share sket pasal guna sabun nie…
hari nie kira dah 4 kali guna lah ekk…so far bagusssms 1st taim guna smlm ada terasa gatal sket kat pipi tu…tahan je la…aku nie adajerawat kecik2 tu ha…tp lepas guna tu mmg muka terasa kejang …2nd day pakai dah okie dah…jerawat tecit2 tu pun dah mcm npk x npk jerk…hehehepehtu muka aku cam cerah sket….ada pinkish2 sket.hua hua hua..(tu laki aku yg kata arr)kesimpulannya aku suka sabun nie…sbb dia menyenangkan hidup aku…hahhahaaku nie jenis manusia yg MALAS ya amat nak menepek2 krim kat muka nie…x kira ler krim mlm ka…siang ka…mekasihh ler cik mior oii "

Testimoni 6
"dh seminggu fildza try. muka mmg jenis super duper minyak n pimples yg xder mata lagi nyakitkan tu. parut pun byk. hari pertama guna muka dh x berminyak n pores nampak kecik sikit. kalo x sebelum ni minyak muka tu mak aihh.. anak yg kecik pun pandai komplen kata nampak shiny .

satu hal yg mengejutkan, lepas bilas nampak jelas blackheads n whiteheads timbul. tp very easy nk keluarkan (jgn guna kuku)hari kedua keluar jerawat halus2 kat dahi mcm rashes tu. cuak gak sbb agak tebal tp x amik pot sgt sbb dh biasa bertahun kulit bermasalah. muka kesat2 sbb at the same time sabun ni keringkan jerawat.
third day jerawat mula keluar as i expected coz i ada resdung. sakit n tumbuh kat tempat yg x pernah tumbuh b4 mcm atas bibir tu. muka bertambah kesat sbb kering kat kawasan jerawat. tp muka dah mula nampak glowing. eventhough jerawat byk tumbuh tp kat tempat yg xder jerawat kulit very refined n lembut
day 4; rashes yg tebal kat dahi dah hilang tapi tinggal jerawat yg mengecut n mengering. satu hal yang bagus mior ni, walau jerawat byk kuar masa healing krisis, jerawat tu cpt kering n kecut. now, i just tunggu yg kesat2 ni gugur sendiri.
tgh 1st day period so ada lg seketul dua kuar tp i x risau sbb tau mesti kering cepat. pakai mostouriser bila perlu jer. jgn ganggu proses mior ni dgn product2 yg lain esp yg kita x tau kandungan dia. disbb kan jerwt i kronik gak, i dinasihatkan cuci 3 kali sehari. tapi yg satu kali tu setakat cuci n bilas terus. dont genyeh or massage ur skin n bila bilas jgn gosok2 mcm cuci pinggan . bilas pelan2. i keringkan gak ngan towel tp tekup lembut2 je.
testi lain lak : breast tambah anjal n tegang. area hitam celah2 peha tambah cerah"


What if this were possible for your face too?
Germaine: "I was worried that it’d be too dry, but even without toner/moisuturiser, it wasn’t drying. Instead, my skin felt so lifted & smooth like there’s a layer of moisturising protection, I can’t stop touching it! As the day passed, I also noticed that my freckles became lighter, and even the pores closed up. Looks like I really don’t need to wear makeup everyday anymore!
Roh Ting: Usually, my face would become oily again half an hour after washing… but after trying mior, it stayed oil-free even after I woke up the next morning!
Ismail: Skin still feels smooth today, and my friends are already asking about what happened to my face, now so shining!!!
Andy: Mior really sucks out the pimples to the surface and causes them to either subside or dry up and drop off by itself!"

Patrick: "Mior is NOT only for the face and for lacerating wounds too! Used the Mior on my wrist and you can REALLY see the OBVIOUS changes in my wounds. It is NOT due to the water that wash it off. That wound of my hand WOULD NOT GO AWAY FOR 4 MONTHS even with cream given by doctors. After using it just once, it is SHOWING SIGNS OF RECOVERY."

CW: "I couldn’t resist bathing with mior because it results in this uniformly smooth skin all over my body! I even feel the same warm feeling after bath just like after spa - detox in progress! I used mior on this dry patch of skin on my leg which had been there for several weeks… In just 2 days, it disappeared and was all smooth. Shampooing with mior makes my hair so soft and lesser breaking & dropping of hair. I also used to have all these tiny pimples and spots all over my thighs.. very rough and unsightly. But after bathing with mior, I recently discovered my skin there was all so smooth… the pimples n bumps were all gone!"

What mior users say…“I suffered from eczema on my legs for many years and even the strongest steroid creams and oral medication couldn’t help it. But just using MIOR for 2 days, the inflammation really cleared 50-70%! So anyone with skin problems must really give this bar a try. Amazing. It’s a really wonderful product.” - Wati, Singapore

“My freckles have disappeared and my oily face has never been oily for many hours!” - Pastor Randy, USA (after just 1 wash)

“I look better now after 5 minutes than when I use my make-up. This makes my face brighter than my foundation!” - University student, Kuching

“My face looks younger by 10 years after 1 hour.. Unbelievable!” - Patrick Lim, Accounts Manager, Miri

“My face turned from fair to pink after using it… Magnificent! - Kevin Lim

“This works really well with my sensitive skin. Best facial products I’ve ever used” - Rafida

Mior works well with my allergic skin!” - Cathy Tan

“I feel my face is so soft and so smooth after using it… I just can’t stop touching my own face!” - Joshua, Penang

“All my facial pores closed up after 1 hour!” - Esther, Penang

“It is very good.. The skin feels very smooth!” - Jenny, Singapore

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